Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I give up

No more wars worth fighting No less wisdom to share Too many wounds still bleeding Not enough dreams to dare
A single smile in a year A million paths to follow Not even a shoulder to cry on Among hundreds of grey words of sorrow
 Discounting the brilliant past Forgetting all troubles Rehearsing a bitter screenplay Where they don’t take doubles
From a place of ease Where no one can fly I decide to retake A different route to the sky

 Never mind all the whys Never mind all the turn backs There is only one time We’re entitled to…

Saturday, April 28, 2012


The beauty of a language:
master king can
other master king cannot
queen can

For those who are confused about the meaning...a trip with a real estate agent is required :)

Who am I...

My photo
Timisoara, Romania
I am Miu and I believe happiness is a choice